With Corona restrictions being lifted and people being able to get out and about more, Bowls England is planning a Big Weekend of Bowls in an effort to encourage more people to take up our sport. This is mainly an outdoor bowls initiative but Sevenoaks B.C. felt it would be more productive if our two Clubs joined forces for this event and we were happy to agree with this.
Therefore, an Open Afternoon will be held on Sunday 30th May from 2.30 – 5 p.m. at both Clubs.
What can you do to help? This event will be promoted around the area but you can play your part by encouraging family, friends and neighbours to come along and ‘have a go’ at bowls, whether indoor or outdoor – or even both.
If you can display a poster anywhere, then please collect one from the Club.
We need to create a busy atmosphere at the Club during the Open Afternoon so you are welcome to come along and have a roll-up, see how things are going, or chat to any prospective members and tell them about the many advantages of playing indoor bowls.
Thank you for your help.
The Directors