As of Thursday 27th January the government have confirmed that there will no longer be a legal requirement to wear a face covering when entering or circulating in the Club.

However, they do recommend that people should continue to wear them in enclosed spaces.  We concur with this advice and that of the EIBA (English Indoor Bowling Association) and strongly recommend that we all continue to follow the protocol currently in place,  It would be appreciated therefore, for your own protection and the protection of other members, that you continue to wear a face mask other than when eating or drinking or when playing on the rink.

It is also requested that you continue to use the hand sanitisers placed throughout the club, including at either end of the rinks.

Your co-operation  is much appreciated.

Many thanks

Richard Purssell

Florence’s Thursday Lunches

Please see below the Menus for Thursday lunches at the amazing value of £7.50 for two courses. This offer is open to everyone, whether playing or not; just book on the sheet provided (or phone) and pay on Reception.

Lunches are served from 12.30 to 1.30pm, and taken in the Lounge area.

Amazing value for a really good lunch!!


Pork Cutlets in Mustard Sauce,

Followed by chocolate pudding


Beef Lasagne, with garlic bread and salad leaves

Apple and Peach Crumble, custard

THURSDAY 3rd March

Sweet and Sour Pork, Egg Fried Rice, Prawn Crackers, Stir Fry Veg

by Fruit Jelly

THURSDAY 10th March

Steak and Ale Pie, Carrots, Green Beans

English Trifle

THURSDAY 17th March

Chinese Chicken Stir Fry, Sticky Rice, Broccoli, Carrots

Followed by Fruit Salad

THURSDAY 24th March

Beef Stew, Dumplings, Mash potatoes, Red Cabbage, Carrots

Vanilla Ice Cream with caramel sauce, fruit

THURSDAY 31st March

Pork Steaks, caramelised onions, steamed potatoes, Coleslaw, Salad leaves

Followed by Fruit Cake with custard

THURSDAY 7th April

Beef Lasagne, Garlic Bread, Salad Leaves

Chocolate Cake with sauce


A fine performance from the ladies saw them achieve their first victory of the season.   Originally a 5 rink game, DSL could only field 4 rinks so forfeited 10 shots and 2 points.

Sevenoaks were successful on three rinks and lost narrowly on the fourth.  Highest scoring rink of Dot Fuller, Diana Purssell, Anne Welch and Brenda Bennett lost the first two ends but never looked back after that, winning comfortably 33-6.

Sue Wallis (21-16) and Jane Taylor (22-12) skipped the other two winning rinks, while Ann Munro’s team led17-13 only to lose the last three ends and dropping 6 shots.

Sevenoaks IBC v Valanndor – 1st Round 4th February 2022

Valanndor – 1st Round  4th February 2022
Sevenoaks Ladies 67  v. Ashford Ladies 83The Ladies faced tough opposition in the first round of this competition and not unexpectedly went down by 83 shots to 67.   However, the two rinks at Sevenoaks impressed.    Jenny Barnes, Krystina Williams, Jane Taylor and Sue Wallis were on good form.   After scoring five shots on the second end, they never looked back, dominating throughout their 29-16 victory.

Dot Fuller, Margaret Burton, Mel Bridges and Brenda Bennett seriously troubled their opponents and in fact won 12 of the 21 ends but still went down 15-20.

The two teams that travelled to Ashford, skipped by Ann Munro and Anne Welch, were unable to make much impression on the Ashford ladies, going down by a combined total of 23-47;  a long way to go for only 23 shots.


Lost  1 1/2  –  8 1/2

Well done to skip Ann Welch, whose team of Kristina williams, Linda George and Joy-Ann Hemmings were the only winning rink of the day:  22-12.

The draw came from Pam Stanley, Jeanette Kisnorbo, Shirley Christian and Sue Wallis who had a ding-dong battle with their opposition.  Sevenoaks led 2-0, 2-8 down after 6 ends, 8-12 down at 12 ends.  A mini revival saw the Sevenoaks Ladies pick up 8 shots in 4 ends to lead 16-12, but going into the final end 18-16 ahead, they dropped two shots for the draw.  Nevertheless, a good effort from a team that included Pam Stanley playing her first game for the Club.

Sevenoaks Men v. Dartford Stone Lodge, Saturday 15 January

Having assembled a full team of 6 rinks Sevenoaks engaged in a hard fought game against Stone Lodge and, whilst losing overall 91 – 148.25, did win 3 rinks taking 3 match points.  The captain’s rink, whilst losing by 5 shots coming into the final end, managed a 6 to take the game by 1 shot, whist Tony Buddin’s rink, whilst losing by 4 shots, secured a very narrow win by virtue of the 25% penalty incurred by Stone Lodge for fielding only 3 players.

Sevenoaks v White Oak IBC. Saturday 15th January 2022

After talking with Whiteoaks captain we decided we could play a 5 rink game.
All through the game the score on the main board see-sawed between the two clubs. In the end we both had 2 winning rinks and the Captains rink  saw Sevenoaks in the lead for three quarters of the game until Whiteoaks began to win more ends.At the  penultimate end Sevenoaks lead was down to 2 shots:, on the final end Whiteoak were holding 4 but Brenda Bennett managed to get third wood meaning the game ended in a draw.A very enjoyable game and well played.
The final score Sevenoaks 92 and Whiteoaks 98


The English Indoor Bowling Association (EIBA) have today issued the following statement:-

With the Government announcing yesterday that the Country will be moving to ‘Plan B’ of their COVID-19 Guidance, Indoor Bowls Clubs will now need to implement the following protocols.

From Friday 10th December 2021 face coverings will be legally required to be worn by all members, visitors and staff, who have face to face contact with the public, when they enter and move around the venue.

The face covering can be removed when they are on the green playing and when having a drink and or meal.

Please also be aware some of your members / visitors due to age, health or disability reasons are exempt from wearing face coverings. Whilst the majority will want to show an exemption card it is not a legal requirement to do so.

In addition, if any of your members / staff live with or have been in contact with someone who has been identified as a suspected or confirmed case of the Omicron variant they must self-isolate for 10 days, even if they have been double or triple vaccinated.

These directives will remain in place for the next six weeks, but the Government will review after three weeks and update on the next steps.

Please adhere to this legal requirement, whilst also continuing to use the hand sanitisers and avoid physical contact.   At present there is no requirement or intention to curtail bowling or social activities.

Your understanding and co-operation will be much appreciated.

The Directors