COVID19 Agreement Document

You will of course appreciate that the majority of members are considered to be vulnerable and that the Directors have, morally and legally, a duty of care to you all.  After reviewing advice published by the Government, the EIBA and our insurers you will all have received a copy of the Club’s Covid-19 Operational Policy.  An updated Version 4 is attached – please read it carefully and note the amended rules introduced, highlighted in italics.

Before you can play you must provide written confirmation that you have received and agree to bebound by the terms of the Operational Policy by signing the checklist upon arrival at the Club for the first time. You also need to ensure, for possible Track and Trace, that your attendance is registered.

It is not considered feasible to run any leagues, at least until the start of the Winter season, and the sessions will therefore be roll-up only for a maximum of 24 players.  All bookings for the first week must be made in advance by telephone with Sally on her mobile 07788 738831 between 2.00pm and 4.00pm Monday to Friday.   Payment by contactless debit card should be made when you arrive – if unavoidable notes or coins should be shown to reception staff before being placed in the marked boxes. Please do not turn up at the Club, even if you don’t intend playing, without having made a prior reservation.

The lounge and bar will be open but please refer to the Operational Policy and follow the regulations.

 Welcome back – Happy bowling!



Stay safe

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