A great win for Sevenoaks, 112 – 79. Looks as if we may be turning a corner! A big “well done gents”.
This match compares very well to the “the play that went wrong”. Whatever could go wrong did right from the start. Luckily we had a very understanding opposition. Captain Jill was extremely gracious saying that it made the afternoon really enjoyable and funny!
So be it, but we have to say they were by far the better side this time and won by a whopping 80 to 134. We did manage one point by the rink skipped by Anne Welch with Joan Moffat, Jessie Thompson and Marian Greenouff. They hung in there and won the rink by one point. Well done Ladies.
Sevenoaks were drawn against Tonbridge Angels IBC in the 1st round proper of this National Competition where 2 teams of 4 play at the same time at their respective clubs.
Our home team of Tony Garvey, Pat Fogerty, Mick Adnett and Tony Buddin faced a formidable Angel team and did well to hold them to a 12-20 defeat whilst the away team of Neil Waters, John B Austin, Martin Hammond and Richard Purssell were defeated 8-21.
Unfortunately we are now out of this knock-out Competition.
The Captains of the day were Val Stevens and Sally Garvey.
The match the Ladies played against Mote Park yesterday went ahead in a very friendly manner, with everyone enjoying a very pleasant time. Sevenoaks started with a 10 point bonus because Mote Park could only field 5 rinks, which was soon overtaken by Mote Park, gaining a strong early lead. However, Sevenoaks fought back to cut Mote Park’s large lead down to a much narrower points difference.
On the Captain’s rink Mote Park’s advantage was very largely due to Mote Park’s lead, who consistently gave her side a big advantage with a brilliant performance, putting her woods very near the jack almost every time. On our side the accolades must go to Ann Munro, skip of no. 2 rink. By the 14th end of the game Ann’s side had got a fair way behind, scoring only 7 points to Mote Park’s 22 but pulled back to a very exciting finish, with the score 21 to 22 for Mote Park on end 20. However, Ann played 2 beautiful woods on her final end, making their score 23 to 22 for Sevenoaks.
Rinks 3, 4 and 6 were only very narrowly beaten in the last few ends.
The final score was 99 to Mote Park and 87 to Sevenoaks.
Sevenoaks came away with 2 well earned and hard fought points.
The Halstead Players are unable to go ahead with the planned Drama Quiz. As an alternative we are now offering the following:
A Quiz Night with Brenda Bennett as QUESTION MASTER and light refreshment by Florence. £8.
THURSDAY LUNCHES: Florence is doing 2 course lunch for £7.50, 12.30 to 1.30pm, every Thursday until the end of November. Menus are at Reception. Advance booking where possible please.