If you would like to become Summer League Secretary please get in touch – training and support will be given.
Re-starting LEAGUES, from 7th June
ANNE WELCH, our temporary Summer League Secretary, has been working hard to re-start LEAGUES, from 7th June, as follows:
MONDAY – Mixed Triples: 2.30pm
TUESDAY – Mixed Triples: 9.30am
TUESDAY – Mixed Triples: 5.30pm
FRIDAY – Pairs Sets: 9.30pm
Registration Forms and Sign up Sheets are on the board at the Club … if you’d like to sign up but can’t get in please speak to Reception. Sally is happy to email Registration Forms if you can’t get to the Club.
Registration Closes: Friday 28th May
Any suggestions for different formats at different times welcome – please get in touch with Anne on 01732 457851 and she will try and facilitate!
The Directors
The Operational Policy has been updated to reflect changed procedures at the Club. A copy of the updated Policy is displayed on the notice board – I’d be grateful if you have a look. The updates are highlighted in italic brown
I would remind those who haven’t yet signed that all members are required to confirm that they have read and understood this policy by signing the sheet in reception.
Stay safe
Richard Purssell
Dear Member,
As you will be aware the government has placed all London Boroughs in Tier 2 whereas Sevenoaks remains in Tier 1.
The government now advise those living in Tier 2 areas not to travel to other Tier areas unless it is an essential journey, whilst household mixing indoors within Tier 2 is prohibited. This email accordingly asks all our members who live in a London Borough to consider carefully whether they would be wise to travel to Sevenoaks and bowl at the Club.
Wherever you live – stay safe.
Richard Purssell
“FACE MASK Update: on checking with EIBA and the government guidelines we must ask everyone to wear FACE MASKS whilst in the building except whilst playing bowls, or eating and drinking. This brings indoor clubs in line with shops, and other indoor spaces when mixing with non-household members at less than 2m. Please remember also to keep your distance from others where at all possible, particularly when in play.
Drinks will be served to your table to avoid any gatherings or queues and reduce contacts.
There is plenty of hand sanitizer around the building, including the rinks, for your use and safety.
DRESS CODE: from 1st September dress code should be Greys please.”
There are still a few spaces available for Thursday 3rd September Club Sessions (9.30 to 12.00 noon) – please email the club, or call/text Sally on 07788 738831; don’t delay: first-come, first-served basis!! We are still limited to 24 persons on the Rinks, but the more the merrier!!
We are Open for Play
COVID19 Agreement Document
You will of course appreciate that the majority of members are considered to be vulnerable and that the Directors have, morally and legally, a duty of care to you all. After reviewing advice published by the Government, the EIBA and our insurers you will all have received a copy of the Club’s Covid-19 Operational Policy. An updated Version 4 is attached – please read it carefully and note the amended rules introduced, highlighted in italics.
Before you can play you must provide written confirmation that you have received and agree to bebound by the terms of the Operational Policy by signing the checklist upon arrival at the Club for the first time. You also need to ensure, for possible Track and Trace, that your attendance is registered.
It is not considered feasible to run any leagues, at least until the start of the Winter season, and the sessions will therefore be roll-up only for a maximum of 24 players. All bookings for the first week must be made in advance by telephone with Sally on her mobile 07788 738831 between 2.00pm and 4.00pm Monday to Friday. Payment by contactless debit card should be made when you arrive – if unavoidable notes or coins should be shown to reception staff before being placed in the marked boxes. Please do not turn up at the Club, even if you don’t intend playing, without having made a prior reservation.
The lounge and bar will be open but please refer to the Operational Policy and follow the regulations.
Welcome back – Happy bowling!
Stay safe
In the current circumstances we have no option but to postpone the AGM originally scheduled to take place on 23rdApril. All Directors and Officers will in the meantime remain in post.
The Directors have taken all possible steps to reduce ongoing expenditure and are pleased to report, with confidence, that the Club has sufficient financial resources to survive the foreseeable future.
We propose including brief reports of the past year’s activities in the next issue of Wickers World whilst copies of the summary accounts will be available, later in April, on request.
We wish you all the best in these difficult times and again remind you that we are here at the end of the telephone if you need any help or just feel like a chat.
Keep well
The Directors –
Brenda Bennett, Richard Purssell, Joan Moffat, Dave Fleming, Mike Reid