YETTON TROPHY 2nd round. Sevenoaks IBC v Folkstone IBC. Sat Nov 4th

Following a 1st round bye, the ladies faced tough opposition from the Folkestone club.
On the home green, Jackie Smith, Avril Moss, Jane Taylor and skip Brenda Bennett were neck and neck with their opponents, going into the final end 15-15.   They held their nerve and drew two shots for victory.  Anne Welch’s rink put up a good fight but just slipped away over the last two ends, losing by only 6 shots.
Encouraging news was coming down the phone lines from Folkestone.  At 15 ends Shirley Christian, Sally Garvey, Joy-Ann Hemmings and Ann Munro were holding a 15-8 lead, while Skip Sue Walis and her ladies trailed 7-14.   The game on the away green was about 20 minutes behind that at Sevenoaks so a nervous wait was necessary before the final score came through.  In the meantime, in the event of a tie, Ann Welch’s rink played an extra end which Sevenoaks won thanks to a superb bowl from Ann.
Eventually the phone call arrived.   Ann Munro’s rink had won 24-15 and Sue Wallis drew 18-18.   Success for Sevenoaks 75-69.   However, sometime later when the away rinks had returned home, it transpired that the lady doing the scoring at Folkestone had got in a right old muddle, Sue’s rink had also won and in fact Sevenoaks got home by 10 shots in the end –  even better!

Sevenoaks IBC v White Oak IBC. Men’s Friendly. Wed 8th Nov.

“We had a very enjoyable day playing our friendly match against White Oak IBC yesterday. We lost the overall but, the game was a very even affair. We won 2 rinks, lost 2 and we drew 2.
Our top rink of the day went to Tony Garvey,  Wayne Brinkley and Russell Hooper winning 18-13. Also a great comeback game from Dave Fleming’s triple to get their draw.

Thank you for all those that put their names down, and I hope you continue to sign up for future games”

Russell Hooper


Dear Members

I must tell you what a brilliant morning we have had at our Bowls Club.  It was good to see so many arrive for the regular Saturday morning roll up, including several of our newer members.  I hope you all enjoyed yourselves.
Following a first round bye, the ladies were playing Folkestone in the second round of the National Yetton Trophy.  Briefly, on the home green, Brenda Bennett’s rink won by 
17-15 and Ann Welch’s rink lost 16-21.
The overall score had been close all morning but the two rinks playing at Folkestone were quite a way behind so it was a nervous wait for the final score to come through.  In the meantime, in the event of a tie, Ann Welch’s rink played an extra end which Sevenoaks won thanks to a superb shot from Ann.
Some 20 minutes later, the phone call came through from Folkestone.  An 18-18 draw for Sue Wallis and her ladies, and a magnificent 24-15 win from Ann Munro’s rink secured a very unexpected overall victory for Sevenoaks 75-69.
Next Saturday morning, in addition to the usual roll up, the men will be playing against Ashford IBC A team in the Dudley Hoile Competition – why not come along and either play or watch.  
Brenda – Director

Dear Members,

As you may have noticed from your Club Diary there is a Skills Day planned for Friday 17th November.   10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on 5 rinks – slightly different to the details quoted in the Club Diary.

The Skills Day is specifically aimed at the newer, less experienced bowlers and will provide an opportunity to learn the finer points of bowls including reading the head, measuring, video analysis of your delivery, etc.

Some of the more experienced bowlers in our Club are willingly giving their time to help our newer bowlers and if you are one of our less experienced members, why not come along to Skills Day.  The cost is just £5 – there will be a short lunch break so please bring a packed lunch with you.

The poster promoting Skills Day will be on show at the Club on Monday together with the list to sign up – there are only 20 places available, so don’t delay.

Brenda – Director

Sevenoaks IBC v Mote Park IBC. Wed 25th October

The ladies made an excellent start to their Kent League campaign with an 8-4 victory over Mote Park.  Sevenoaks were successful on three of the five rinks, and on overall shots by 81-68.

On this occasion it was strong finishing by the ladies which won the day,   Marian Greenouff, Val Stevens, Joy-Ann Hemmings and Ann Munro were leading 13-11 and then scored 11 shots on the final two ends for a 24-11 victory, the best performance of the day.   Skip Ann Welch and her team were trailing 10-12 but a sprint finish saw them pick up 5 shots  to win 15-12.   Jane Taylor’s quartet were winning 13-5, then trailing 13-14, but came up with a count of three on the final end to win 16-14.
Captain Lynn Thompson’s rink, skipped by Brenda Bennett trailed 5-13 but rallied over the latter stages to a respectable 11-13 defeat, while the other loss came from skip Sue Wallis, but only by three shots.
A very good all round performance.


7.00pm for 7.30pm
Ticket £16.50 per person
(includes Jacket Potato with filling)
Everyone Welcome – family, friends
6 persons maximum per table
Booking is now available!!
Select your fillings, and please pay on Reception,
placing your cash, cheque, or card slip into the envelope provided and
writing on the outside your name and the number of places purchased, then
post into the RED BOX opposite.
Payment please by Weds 18th October, 
we’re sorry, but cancellations after Noon Weds 18th cannot be refunded.
Social Committee

FUND RAISING TABLE SALE EVENT – Saturday 1st July 2023

You will remember that Director Dave Fleming recently circulated an email to all members concerning fund raising for future large expenses that the Club will incur in three or four years time. We hope you will be able to help in this respect. 
As an initial fund raising effort, there will be a TABLE SALE in the Churchill room and the Lounge/Bar area, 8.30am to 12.30pm (set up from 7.30am).  

This is an opportunity, not to sell tables, but to sell items of bric-a-brac, odds and ends, etc – anything you would like to dispose of for a few bob. 

A TABLE will cost £10. The Club has over 300 members and we hope some of you will take the opportunity to reserve a table. We will also shortly be emailing all of those who hire the hall to offer them the chance to take part. 
If you are interested in reserving a TABLE, please respond to this Post and pay the £10 on your next visit to the Club.  

Brenda, Joan and Sally

Sevenoaks IBC v White Oak IBC. Ladies KL. Wednesday 19th April

Sevenoaks Ladies 0 White Oak 10

This was our last game of the season and it was pleasing to see three ladies playing their first Kent League game – Eve Calder, Kathy Williams and Veronica Hunt.

We almost managed a win when Joyce Allen, Linda George, Sylvie Crabb and Lynn Thomson went into the final end 18-16 ahead.   Sadly, defeat was snatched from the jaws of victory as the White Oak ladies managed to score three shots for an 18-19 win.  The Sevenoaks ladies had been 11-1 adrift after six ends but they settled down and did so well to catch up – and almost win!

Dot Fuller, Sue Hogg, Shirley Christian and Captain of the Day, Rosemary Tuck, had a very respectable 13-16 scoreline against the visiting White Oak Captain.

An excellent season for Sevenoaks Ladies who completed 19 out of their 20 Kent League fixtures.   Not too many wins but always a happy team.


SEVENOAKS IBC v OYSTER IBC. Ladies KL. Wednesday 22nd March.

91 SHOTS TO 63

Another good performance from the ladies, winning on two of the five rinks, although with 5 points going to the overall shots winner, this always makes the score look so much worse

Ann Munro was on top form and along with Joyce Allen, Val Stevens and Rosemary Tuck they were in total control throughout, winning 17-12.  It was 17-8 on 17 ends, but they generously conceded 4 shots to the Oyster ladies on the final end.    That victory came despite playing on an end rink with a ditch that attracted several bowls.

After a poor start, trailing 3-13 after 8 ends, Brenda Bennett, Anne Farley, Jeannette Kisnorbo and Jenny Barnes slowly turned the corner.  Helped by chocolate biscuits kindly provided by the Oyster ladies captain with the midway cup of tea, the Sevenoaks ladies were back in the game, levelling at 14-14 after 14 ends.   The score reached 16-16 with one end to play and the last rink to finish.
The Oyster lead put her first bowl right on the jack and although that bowl remained in place when the skips went to play, Sevenoaks had three very useful bowls just behind the jack.  All that Bennett had to do was tap the holding bowl to move the jack back to the Sevenoaks bowls and that’s what she did.  A bit of a miracle shot but it meant another win for Sevenoaks.
