Sevenoaks IBC v Royals IBC. 9th January, 2022

The first half was dominated by the Royals with the exception of Brenda Bennetts team who stayed ahead for the whole match finishing with a score of 25 to 12 , making them our highest scoring team. After tea our remaining teams rallied, occasionally taken the lead but the Royals manage to finish with wins on two rinks. Ann Welch team finished with a flurry, overtaking the Royals on the final end with a 5 to win their match. Final score for the four games was 73-67. We can take heart in knowing that we won the match overall with our four teams but because we were two teams down the Royals gained 20 points as our penalty, making the final score 73- 87.

Total points – Sevenoaks 2 , Royals 8.

Carvery – Sunday January 23nd, 2022

There will be a Carvery on Sunday January 23nd, see attached menu for choices, and you can now book using the form at Reception, making your selection and the time you wish to eat.

Payment can be made at Reception, or on the phone, using your card; we’re sorry but cancellations after Weds 18th cannot be refunded.


SEVENOAKS LADIES V KCLIBA. Saturday 11th December.

Sevenoaks entertained the ladies from KCLIBA, a team selected from an assortment of indoor clubs in the County.   Thanks to the hard work of our Ladies Organiser, Joan, we actually fielded six rinks (24 players) which was quite an achievement.   Thanks to all those who played, especially the five ladies who were making their debut for Sevenoaks, these virgin match bowlers were Chris Brooks, Kath McCreedy, Jeanie Crouch, Pauline Eldridge and Chris Chapman, while Lesley Jefferies was playing for the second time.  Let’s hope they all put their names down again.

It was a truly friendly afternoon of bowling with victory going to KCLIBA on 5 of the 6 rinks.   Linda George, Jessie Thompson, Joy-Ann Hemmings and Brenda Bennett were responsible for the lone Sevenoaks success.   The quartet had a comfortable lead for most of the game until over the final few ends the opposition gradually closed the gap to level at 20-20 on 20 ends.   The 21st and deciding end did not start well, Sevenoaks going three shots down until Joy-Ann, at her second attempt, produced a wonder bowl through a narrow gap to move the jack to the edge of the ditch and leave Sevenoaks holding the shot.  The opposing skip could not save the day for her team and Brenda drew two more shots for a most satisfying 23-20 win.

After the game our guests were royally entertained with beautifully decorated dinner tables with Christmas crackers, a small gift, and a wonderful seasonal meal of turkey and Christmas pudding – special thanks to Florence for the delicious meal.   Wendy Borer, the KCLIBA Captain, was very impressed and appreciative of all the effort made to entertain her team.


Sevenoaks gentlemen stepped up and played 6 rinks away against old rivals Mote Park.  Unfortunately, despite valiant efforts and leading on 2 rinks for most of the afternoon we went down on 5 rinks but managed a draw on the 6th, losing overall 76-163.  Congratulations and commiserations to Russ Berryman, Martin Hammond, Chris Gardner and Nigel Barnard for securing our half point.

Christmas Opening Hours. 2021

Christmas falls at a weekend this year and following are the hours the Club will be open – except by special arrangement (should you and your entire family wish to come for a roll-up session!).

Monday 20th: ROLL UP 9.30 to 12.00, thereafter Rinks available for play/practice until 6.00pm.
Tuesday 21st – 9am until 9pm, Rinks available for play/practice
Weds 22nd – 9 to 12.00pm.
Thurs 23rd –  ROLL UP 9.30 to 12.00, open until approx 2.30 – Thursday lunch available to book at only £7.50 a head, 2 courses. Roast Turkey, roast potatoes, veg, followed by Christmas Pudding
Friday 24th – Closed
Monday 27th – Closed
Tuesday 28th – ROLL UP 9.30 to 12.00, Close.
Wednesday 29th – Morning sessions 9 to 12.00, then 4.30 until 8.00pm Rinks available for play/practice
Thursday 30th – ROLL UP 9.30 to 12.00 – Lunch available to book, £7.50, 2 courses. Chinese Chicken strips, rice, peas, Ice Cream, caramel sauce, fresh fruit. Close approx 2.30pm.
Friday 31st – Closed
Monday 3rd – ROLL UP 9.30 to 12.00 – Leagues commence, open until 8.00pm.

Please make use of the rinks while they are available but book in advance please, likewise the lunches must be booked and paid for in advance.


The English Indoor Bowling Association have, following the emergence of the Omicron variant, circulated the following guidance.

Whilst the requirement to wear face coverings does not apply to indoor sports facilities, the EIBA recommend that members and visitors should wear masks unless they are playing or eating/drinking.  I would also add that I still suggest that close contact (hand shaking, etc) be avoided and that regular use is made of the hand sanitiser located throughout the club.

Please note the requirement to self-isolate  for 10 days if you live with or have been in contact with anyone who has, or is suspected of having, the Omicron variant, even if you have been double or triple jabbed.

Your continued co-operation is much appreciated.

Richard Purssell

Sevenoaks IBC v Angel IBC. 4th December 2021

Final score was Sevenoaks 60  Angels 116..  It was an enjoyable match but despite our best efforts we  lost across all  the rinks with the Angel taking all the points.  Brenda B’s team was our highest scoring rink,  they held the lead for the most of the match, losing by just one point.

Sevenoaks v KCIBA. 1st December 2021

KCIBA 142 Sevenoaks 76. 
6 x Rinks.
Sevenoaks Captain of the Day was Russ Berryman. The KCIBA Captain was their president, Steve Powell.
Sevenoaks fielded a full team with one reserve. (1st time, I believe, this season.  Well done Sevenoaks).
Unfortunately we only won on the one rink,  the Captain’s Rink, who won 21-12. A very good result there. The day was followed with another excellent meal from Florence and enjoyed by both teams and their 7 guests.

Sevenoaks v Mote Park IBC. 1st November 2021

On Wednesday 1st December, our ladies travelled to Maidstone for an agreed 5 rink Kent League Game against Mote Park ladies.  A number of our regular players were unfortunately unavailable due to ill health and other reasons, so we took a weakened team, whereas Mote Park fielded a very strong team as usual.

 Although we came away with only 1 point, the winning team of Brenda Bennett, Mary Gardiner, Val Stevens and Dot Fuller defeated the Mote Park Captain’s rink 21-16.  All four players did their bit, and it was certainly a superb and unexpected victory’.